To cover up adshels is the ultimate way to protect the society from visual pollution and attention theft.
Subvertising, a portmanteau of ´subvert´ and ´advertising´, is a form of civil disobedience that replaces advertising with art. The work is guided by the basic principle that the visual realm in public space belongs to everyone; no one should be able to own it. Public space should be a forum for dialogue, debate and exchange of ideas. Everyone should be free to participate in this, not only companies and organisations that can afford to steal our attention.

Adshel Street Furniture Camouflage Cover
Tired of the advertising industry polluting your mind?
With this product, you can magically remove the visual noise in no time.
Even in countries where subvertising is treated as theft this aid can be used risk-free as it does not involve removing anything.
Protecting society from the attention theft of the ad-industry unleashes creativity and creates empowerment.
Technical specification
Material: Polyester
Fabric weight: 210D
Weight: 700 g
Length: 150 cm
Width: 400 cm