Under the ruins, the beach!

The Anti-surveillance-mask

Facial recognition with artificial intelligence is a useful technology for mass surveillance and control of the society. For privacy and anonymity the technology is like plutonium, where the harmful effects are far more grave than the benefits. Besides a number of other more or less beneficial possibilities this mask can prevent you from being affected by facial recognition technology.


Facial recognition is a safe, cheap and effective way to identify people and a dream for any totalitarian regime. Our face will increasingly be used as a password. In China, it has already been used to make payment in shops or on public transport and in several countries it is used during security checks at airports or to take out loans from the bank. In many places, one can no longer move anonymously. Facial recognition is done in public spaces, at a distance, without us knowing, or being able to choose whether we want to give our consent or not.

We can neither leave the face at home nor turn it off to prevent tracking, as we can with the mobile phone. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a European regulation that regulates personal protection and the use of facial recognition, also in Norway, but for now this is not prohibited. Local authorities, technology developers and others are calling for a ban.

The development of technology is moving so fast that the design of a regulatory body of legislation is lagging far behind. Facial recognition is already being used to systematically monitor, for example, homosexuals, minority groups or political opponents. In China, journalists are divided into three categories in a traffic light system to show how closely they should be monitored. In other words, facial recognition with artificial intelligence is a perfect technology for mass surveillance and control of society. For privacy and anonymity, the technology is like plutonium, where the harms are far more serious than the benefits.




In the face of rapidly developing technology, the mask will have countless uses. For now, it is difficult to envisage all the possibilities or how quickly it will happen. The mask has traditionally been used during ritual parties or carnivals, so that for a while you could step into the role of someone else. Another typical area of use has been robbers or others who for obvious reasons did not want to be recognised, for example protesters, demonstrants or unfaithful spouses.

It has been confirmed that even light make-up placed in the right places in relation to light and shadow acts like sand in the machinery of facial recognition cameras. Studies have also shown that masks will provide 50% protection. By combining the mask with natural makeup and topping it off with a fake mustache or a covid-mask, you will be able to make yourself invisible to facial recognition. There are also a number of well-known types of masks and face covering to choose from, such as Ole Brum and Anonymous masks and various forms of Pussy Riot’s balaclava, or you can make your own variation.

Don’t forget that the mask can also be used for parties and celebrations!

The word mask probably comes from the Arabic maskhara and means artist or magician. Then: Hocus-pokus and Simsalabim. Disappear!

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